Posted inOpinion

In face of climate change, time to retreat

ON MARCH 1 a symposium attracted 250 people to learn how various governmental, non-profit and private individuals plan to deal with sea level rise and storm surges. The overall tenor of the event was summarized by quoting General Oliver P. Smith: “Retreat, hell! We’re not retreating, we’re just advancing in a different direction.” This kind […]

Posted inOpinion

In the face of climate change, Bostonians need to call a retreat

2018 WILL APPEAR in retrospect as the year when climate change became a daily reality and not some debatable future possibility.  Jurisdictions across the globe are now struggling with planning for extreme weather, greater human health hazards, uncertain economic consequences, and potential social instability. Coastal regions are anticipating costs of property and business losses due […]

Posted inEnvironment

14-mile dike could protect Greater Boston from sea level rise

A RECENT story in the Boston Globe, with the headline “Floods seen as warning of Boston’s future,” described how sea level rise and storm surge effects predicted for later in the century made their appearance during last week’s bomb cyclone. The article also mentioned various studies on what to do about sea level rise planned or […]