Posted inOpinion

Both sides overselling MBTA Communities Act

Its real impact will be far less than the rhetoric from both sides of the debate. Proponents tout it as a transformative effort to tackle racial segregation and build affordable housing in our region’s most exclusionary suburbs. There is truth in these claims. But now that we’re shifting to implementation, I worry that overstating the law’s magnitude has contributed to the blowback.

Posted inOpinion

Getting the details right on transit oriented development law

PASSING AMBITIOUS LEGISLATION matters for obvious reasons, but so too does the rule-making process that follows a law’s passage. Final language often leaves state agencies with tremendous leeway, and real-world impact can vary widely based on administrative decisions that often get far less public scrutiny. Political scientist Leah Stokes calls this the “fog of enactment,” […]

Posted inOpinion

Housing crisis 1 and 2

GREATER BOSTON’S affordable housing crisis is front-page news these days, and a frequent topic of conversation in housing circles. But the reference to a single housing crisis is off-base; we have two. The first crisis is a consequence of the fact that we don’t treat housing as a human right in this country. For low-income […]