Posted inOpinion

Bringing common sense to assisted living

PEACE OF MIND for assisted living residents and their families – that’s what a bill before the Massachusetts Legislature would deliver. What small changes could make such a big difference? A handful of non-invasive treatments that are simple yet highly consequential. To understand the issue first requires understanding the model. Assisted living, which has been […]

Posted inTransportation

Court ruling lifts CDC’s transportation mask mandate

STATE HOUSE NEWS SERVICE MASKS WILL no longer be required on MBTA vehicles and properties, Massachusetts Department of Transportation officials announced Tuesday afternoon, a day after a federal judge in Florida struck down a nationwide masking mandate on public transportation systems. “The Commonwealth has followed federal guidance in terms of face coverings and to be […]

Posted inUncategorized

Standardizing public health across Massachusetts

THE RELATIONSHIP between the state of Massachusetts and its cities and towns is a complicated one. Sometimes, as with liquor licenses, the state is in control, deciding how many licenses should be issued in each community.  But other times cities and towns are the ones in charge. Regarding public health, for example, Massachusetts has one […]

Posted inOpinion

Nursing homes need support — and more accountability

A WEEK AGO CommonWealth featured an op-ed by a representative of the nursing home industry entitled “Nursing home situation grows dire again.”  The gist of the article was a plea to the Massachusetts Legislature for $238 million in additional funding for nursing homes, ostensibly to raise the pay of the caregiving staff. A more accurate title […]